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Stay In The Know:

Feed is best.

Why shame on other mums for choices they make

I know this might cause debate but I want to express my view I'm not trying to upset anyone or say your wrong to your own option,

But what gives someone the right to shame on mothers weather they choose to bottle feed who knows what there reasons are. Or the other end of the spectrum people hating on breastfeeding mothers in public. The thing they have in common is they are being fed.

I only breastfeed for 2 and half weeks making the decision to stop wasn't one made lightly, all sorts or emotions were at play I felt like I was a failure but the truth was I wasn't I was a strong women making the right decision for me and my baby I found it hard my nipples hurt I would get anxious every time she wanted a feed I cried a lot I knew for my own well being I had to stop and as it turned out it was the best decision I made I expressed till she was 7 weeks old as I found it really draining the thing is I wasn’t depriving my baby she was still getting feed she wasn't going with out but she had a mum that become more relaxed which in turn made her relax as some who already suffered anxiety and panic attacks I knew this would not be good for her, I had support from my partner who just went with it and my midwife they never made me feel like I was a failure and her great support.

I know this may not be the case for everyone but I think it is important to have that support and if you don't go and find it don’t be afraid your not a failure your a mum doing the best that she can and that is all that anyone can ask.

I guess the question is could I have preserved with breastfeeding? Yes I guess I could of but I think I would of lost my shit, would that of been good for me or my baby? Short answer no.

At the end of the day feed is best no matter how.

Memoirs of a first time mum.

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